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Either way, the result is the same and the lessons of defeat can be even more powerful than the lessons of success. Things won't go well all the time, but it is important to keep going. In sport and in life if you want to achieve success you need to recognise the importance of planning, practice, hard work, resilience and determination.NLP techniques contain a powerful set of tools to help you set outcomes or goals and let you model successful people so you can learn and practice the skills they used to achieve success. Research over many years shows that people who take time to plan have a much greater chance of success. Sport can teach us to be a gracious winner and loser.Then we have dogged determination and perseverance. Remember, life is a game and we are all part of one team or another. They will work with a coach who will plan tactics, along with team and squad formations. You can get a real buzz from nike tn cheering on your team and shouting at the opposition. Not only during the game, but also in the years of practise. Similarly you will want to know what to expect from them. Maybe they have an off-day, of the opposition 'raises their game' to secure an unexpected victory. No matter how great the team, they will at some point get beaten, hence the importance of resilience. When you are part of a team, you need to know exactly what your team-mates expect of you. This develops trust and trust is a key component of the success of any team. But are there are any lessons we can learn from watching the sportsmen and women.Well, I think there are a fewFirst up preparation or planning - If you want to achieve all of your ambitions in life there is one critical thing you need to do. And this will never stop - as long as they are playing, they will keep on training, honing their skills. Spend the tn rest of the game berating himself and in the course of doing so losing focus and letting his teammates down. Setting goals is vital and teams will practise, practise, and practise to ensure success. If a sportsman misses a critical play during a game, he has two options. And that is true. You can imagine which one will be successful.So are there any lessons to learn from sport? Well it certainly seems so. How many of us enjoy going to watch our favourite team. A good team will know when they step onto the playing field exactly what they have to do.They will work as part of a team - you've heard the old story - there is no 'i' in team. Its obvious that players at the top level have to put in time for practice and training, but the same is true, even if to a lesser extent, for teams at all levels.Playing sport inevitably means experiencing defeat. It's a great fun and can be huge stress buster, even if your team is losing. It can take time for teams to form and they will inevitably go through many stages, but each member of the team will have a role and the team cannot function if they don't all fulfil that role.Hard work and discipline are vitally important. The rest is up to you. Although it can appear that sports players only work for one or two days a week, the truth is they will have been working hard for years to develop and hone their skills. Or he can forget it and move on knowing that he will get another chance to do it right and that he will. Do you have the determination and resilience to work hard, keep going through disappointments and grab success?Are you ready for the changes that using NLP techniques can make to your life? Are you ready to be the change in your life and grab the success you deserve?Audrey Finch is CEO of Better Life 4u. nouveau haussure Requin Nike cartoon,Max Air Tn Requin cartoontn requin cartoon,Nike Shox R4 Cartoon,Basket Requins cartoon Soldes

