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Does Loyalty Mean You Have To Sell Your Soul? Readings in Executive Coaching TechniquesYou earned a
degree, paid your dues by starting at an entry level position, worked along others that
were not nearly as talented and you have that burning desire to move up the
career ladder! Your track record speaks for itself. Given a position of power and influence,
would we make those decisions in line with those values to better the organization's employees,
customers and shareholders? Can we stay true to our vision and values or are we
so loyal to the person that promoted us, that we no longer question our actions
and decisions? History and sociology show how easy and provocative it is to simply become
a follower. Everyone wants their business to make money, but there are ways to become
a success that are not contingent on selling your soul. Simply put, today's political and
corporate leaders are more apt to be considered overpaid than to be considered heroes.Developing work
habits that question the moral and ethical implications of decisions is healthy. To simply ask
whether a decision is consistent with your core values is an important test. We can
easily become order takers by simply doing what is asked. And what is worse, they
often continued to preach the ethics to their employees while their own behavior such as
changing stock option dates, asking for outlandish perks and wasting corporate funds on questionable practices
spiraled out of control. Note the huge and tragic ponzi scheme of Madoff. They too
often do unethical or even illegal things.We have seen many companies falter and fail because
of greed, abuse of power by leaders who ignored the inner conflict between ethics and
greed. You perform excellent work, but you still need someone to recognize you. So we
promote ourselves and get to know those people who can promote us. Learn to question
your motives, and you will become more comfortable as a leader and as a human
being.Key Pointe Coaching works with companies to unlock the potential of their greatest asset, their
employees. So how did they succeed? Tn Requin Are they truly a success or did they do
some selling of their souls? If your success relies upon others in a higher position,
how do you become noticed? One answer is to demonstrate loyalty to those who are
in a position to help you achieve your career goals.There is a potential conflict with
dependency on the powerful. Great leaders respect loyalty but not at the expense of their
customers, stakeholders and organizational culture. At one time their vision, values and ethics were based
on humanitarian ideals, but something changed them and their world view. A leader who pays
$1,800 for a trashcan cannot be trusted to manage the wealth of millions in an
ethical and prudent manner and is fired. Wanting to make more money, wanting to have
more power, wanting to have security and special perks can overshadow our authentic self. Learn
from those who did not engender respect. Certainly you want to be noticed by those
power brokers in your organization. But often our work requires decisions that challenge our inner
self or character, and it is easier to ignore the inner conflict and simply comply.
Such acts do not occur in a vacuum. If you are part of a great
organization with an ethical culture, the internal conflicts are rare. Are you willing to admit
you are taking a wrong path? Would you give up your perks and bonuses for
the good of the company? Asking questions and learning to listen to your best self
is a lifetime pursuit for wisdom and contentment.Being authentic is the first rule of a
leader. To be the example of decency, honesty and core values means supporting ethics training
and actually participating in the program. Do not let yourself be dragged into someone else's
vision without asking questions and without some healthy skepticism. Unfortunately, companies are like people and
fall into a broad continuum where many push the ethical limits to maintain their power
and success. Mere intellect and dedication is not enough. To make "character" a key directive
in your organization should be a cultural trademark of a successful and nike shox nz sustainable organization. Developing
a culture of openness and transparency goes beyond the legal requirements of Sarbannes Oxley and
other compliance laws. Becoming a follower is habit forming.In time our idealist self also becomes
clouded with new wants and desires. Some call it "managing up." Now we need to
ask that profound question, does loyalty to those in power mean you have to "sell
your soul" to succeed?What is meant by "selling your soul" to succeed?" We have visions,
dreams, and core values learned from our family history, our peers, culture and personal experiences.
Recall and recite your true self while remembering what attributes you saw in others that
you respected. The examples of Wall Street leaders paying exorbitant bonuses during a time when
their businesses have failed in their fiduciary responsibilities dramatically show an entire industry that seems
to have lost its moral compass. Career advancement is also impacted by the others being
willing to put themselves at risk by giving you a chance at a new project
or initiative. They lost themselves in the atmosphere of influence, power, easy money and prestige.
Does this sound like ambition? Sure it is, and such personal motivation is a key
concept to understanding corporate loyalty, leadership and predicting future career success. Select staff that are
brutally honest and will not filter information so you know what is going on around
you.Do you speak about others as if they are replaceable parts of a machine? Do
you respect others? Do you see yourself as untouchable? If your decisions are questioned, do
you become defensive or seek further clarification?Coaching executives means asking questions to bring forth self
awareness. Our authentic state becomes altered or pushed to the background and we assume someone
else's character is sufficient for our blind obedience. Being true to your core values and
being successful should be natural and not create conflict. It requires that you ask yourself
when decisions are made if they truly meet your vision as an ethical leader. The
influence and pleasures of being part of a group is a powerful force of human
nature. Most executives are very ambitious and to coach them effectively you have to understand
their personal motivation.When your desire for success is so strong, how do you achieve it
within the bounds of fair play and personal ethics? We have all heard the saying,
"It is not what you know but who you know" that moves people ahead. And
these powerful people were once in your shoes. The current environment shows the difficulty in
being an exceptional leader who is also trusted and respected. Perhaps there is a bit
of truth in this statement, but it may not be entirely true since you have
to demonstrate skills and results once you find the open door of opportunity. After all,
you have become the "go to" person who always makes your deadlines. Our values are
tested and our virtue pushed to its limit, or we learn to ignore the value
conflict rationalizing that all managers are complying and the people in authority must know what
they are doing. Do not hesitate to also ask those closest to you if they
see a change in you that would be at odds with your normal ethical behavior.
You think critically, are an effective problem solver who is passionate about their work. Along
with that passion, you want compensation that is commensurate to your talents, skills and contributions.
Great leaders are respected for their own moral code and, most importantly, their behavior.People in
all groups and organizations truly desire to have a leader who leads with virtue and
who has their best interests at heart. At some time the leaders of these fallen
corporations had strong character and ideals. Wanting to be admired as a person of power
and wisdom, we often shift our focus to material needs and our wants inevitably multiply.
A conspiracy of silence and an absence of common sense permeate Wall Street and our
institutions.As a leader it is your responsibility and duty to be ethical. We offer coaching
to all management and executive levels as well as leadership training courses.Candice Shehorn is the
founder of Key Pointe Coaching and can be reached at:http://www.keypointecoaching.comcshehorn@keypointecoaching.com.
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